Goodridge Ltd recognises the impacts that it has on the environment. In all our activities working practices and business relationships, we will work towards protecting and conserving aspects of the environment over which we have control or influence. To achieve this have set ourselves the following policy aims.

We will:

  • Comply with the requirements of ISO14001:2004
  • Meet all legislative, regulatory and other requirements appropriate to our business
  • Identify the significant environmental impacts of the company’s activities arising from its products, processes, services and wastes.
  • Aim to continually improve the environmental performance of the company by setting environmental objectives, targets and supporting programs.
  • Be committed to the prevention of pollution.
  • Raise the awareness and understanding by communicating to all persons working for or on behalf of the organisation, the company’s environmental policy and related matters.
  • Provide the interested parties with relevant and appropriate information and establish open and on-going dialogue with persons having a bona fide interest in the company’s environmental activities.
  • Ensure these aims are achieved by the use of appropriate procedures and management systems that will be systematically monitored, audited, reviewed and improved.

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